On Jun20, 2011, at 03:16 , Greg Stark wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Florian Pflug <f...@phlo.org> wrote:
>>> The regex is always to the right of the operator.
>> Which is something you have to remember... It's not in any
>> way deducible from "foo ~ bar" alone.
> Except that it's always been this way, going back to perl4 or tcl or
> their predecessors. The regexp binding operator always has the regexp
> on the right.

Yeah. The strength of that argument really depends on one's
prior exposure to these languages, though...

>>>> How is that worse than the situation with "=~" and "~="?
>>> With =~ it is to the right, with ~= it is to the left.
>> It's always where the tilde is. Yeah, you have to remember that.
> And when you get it wrong it will fail silently. No errors, just wrong 
> results.

Yeah, but this is hardly the only case where you'll get
unintended results if you mix up operator names. 

Now, one might argue, I guess, that mixing up "=~" and "~="
or more likely than mixing up, say, "~" and "~~". But ultimately,
whether or not that is highly dependent on one's personal background,
so we're unlikely to ever reach agreement on that...

> While I've never accidentally written /foo/ =~ $_ in perl I have
> *frequently* forgotten whether the operator is ~= or =~. Actually I
> forget that pretty much every time I start writing some perl. I just
> put whichever comes first and if I get an error I reverse it.

Yeah, the nice thing in perl (and ruby also, which is *my* background)
is that regexp's and strings are distinguished by the type system,
and also by the parser.

The latter (i.e. regexp literals enclosed by /../) probably isn't
desirably for postgres, but the former definitely is (i.e. distinguishing
regexp's and text in the type system). Please see the thread
"Adding a distinct pattern type to resolve the ~ commutator stalemate"
for the details of the proposal. 

> I can see the temptation to make it symmetric but it's going to cause
> an awful lot of confusion.

I do believe that by adding a distinct type we can actually *reduce*
confusion. It makes "text ~ pattern" readable even for people who
don't intuitively know that the pattern always goes on the right.

best regards,
Florian Pflug

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