Robert Haas <> writes:
> So, speaking of that, aren't we supposed to wrap beta2 any minute now?

Yes.  I'm expecting to do it this evening.

> There are two open items listed on the open items page as blockers for beta2:

> - error in information_schema.element_types view definition (bug 5926)
> - more SSI loose ends

Peter concluded that #1 was really only a documentation problem, and
fixed it in his latest commit.  I'm not entirely convinced that he's
reading the spec correctly, but will defer to his judgment.

> With respect to #2, it would be nice to fix that, but I'm disinclined
> to hold up beta2 for it.

I agree.  From what I can see, SSI is nowhere near RC-ready.  We may as
well push out beta2 to get the fixes accumulated so far into the hands
of testers.  (In particular, judging by the reports that have been
coming in, we really need to push the timezone-abbreviations Windows
crash fix...)

                        regards, tom lane

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