On 02/06/11 11:35, Mark Kirkwood wrote:
On 01/06/11 09:24, Cédric Villemain wrote: Simple Feature test

either explain buffers is wrong or the patch is wrong:
cedric=# explain (analyze,buffers) select * from foo  order by 1 desc ;
                                                    QUERY PLAN
  Sort  (cost=10260.02..10495.82 rows=94320 width=4) (actual
time=364.373..518.940 rows=100000 loops=1)
    Sort Key: generate_series
    Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 1352kB
    Buffers: local hit=393, temp read=249 written=249
    ->   Seq Scan on foo  (cost=0.00..1336.20 rows=94320 width=4)
(actual time=0.025..138.754 rows=100000 loops=1)
          Buffers: local hit=393
  Total runtime: 642.874 ms
(7 rows)

cedric=# set max_temp_files_size to 1900;
cedric=# explain (analyze,buffers) select * from foo  order by 1 desc ;
ERROR:  aborting due to exceeding max temp files size
STATEMENT: explain (analyze,buffers) select * from foo order by 1 desc ;
ERROR:  aborting due to exceeding max temp files size

Do you have some testing method I can apply to track that without
explain (analyze, buffers) before going to low-level monitoring ?

We're looking at this...

Arg - I was being dense. FileWrite can write *anywhere* in the file, so need to be smart about whether to add to the total filesize or not.

I'll update the Commitfest page as soon as it sends me my password reset mail...



Attachment: temp-files-v4.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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