Robert Haas <> writes:
> On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 11:23 PM, Greg Sabino Mullane <> 
> wrote:
>> My own bare bones wish list for such a tracker is:
>> * Runs on Postgres
>> * Has an email interface
>> Make no mistake, whichever we choose, the care of feeding of such a
>> beast will require some precious resources in time from at least two
>> people, probably more. If there is anyone in the community that
>> wants to help the project but hasn't found a way, this is your chance
>> to step up! :)

> Yeah, agreed.  My basic requirements are:

> 1. Given a bug number, find the pgsql-bugs emails that mention it in
> the subject line.  Note that the archives would actually MOSTLY do
> this ,but for the stupid month-boundary problem which we seem unable
> to fix despite having some of the finest engineers in the world.

Many, many, many bug issues are not associated with a bug report
submitted through the web interface.  People mail stuff to pgsql-bugs
manually, or issues turn up in threads on other lists.  If a tracker
can only find things submitted through the web interface, that is not
going to lead to everyone filing bugs that way; it's going to lead to
the tracker being ignored as useless.

> 2. Associate some kind of status like "OPEN", "FIXED", "NOTABUG",
> "WONTFIX", etc. with each such bug via web interface.

Anything that even pretends to be a bug tracker will do that.  The
real question is, who is going to keep it up to date?  GSM has the
right point of view here: we need at least a couple of people who
are willing to invest substantial amounts of time, or it's not going
to go anywhere.  Seeing that we can barely manage to keep the mailing
list moderator positions staffed, I'm not hopeful.

                        regards, tom lane

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