On 05/28/2011 12:19 PM, Dave Page wrote:
On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Stefan Kaltenbrunner
<ste...@kaltenbrunner.cc>  wrote:
well as for just keeping track of -bugs I guess a very simple schema would
go pretty far:

* have some tool monitor the list and if it sees a new bug# make it a

The bug numbers come from a database backed web form anyway - seems it
would be a lot easier to just have that script write a record to a

maybe - but for a poc it was much easier to have something that had no dependency on any modification of the webinfrastructure(all it needed was an email subscription to the list), you also get some stuff like rss feeds, XML/CSV aggregation output, a commit log parser (and a GUI for playing even if you don't use it for anything officially) for free if you use some existing framework ;)

For a real implemenation based on an existing tool you would probably modify the bug reporting form to post the bug report to the tracker and have that one send the report on behalf and with the sender address of the original reporter, that way the -pgsql-bugs list could exactly stay as it is now and if you wished to be able to use it as a not-only bugreport-form triggered tracker you could do that as well.


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