On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Noah Misch <n...@leadboat.com> wrote:
>        if (level >= ShareUpdateExclusiveLock)
>                ++strong_lock_counts[my_strong_lock_count_partition]
>                sfence
>                if (strong_lock_counts[my_strong_lock_count_partition] == 1)
>                        /* marker 1 */
>                        import_all_local_locks
>                normal_LockAcquireEx
>        else if (level <= RowExclusiveLock)
>                lfence
>                if (strong_lock_counts[my_strong_lock_count_partition] == 0)
>                        /* marker 2 */
>                        local_only
>                        /* marker 3 */
>                else
>                        normal_LockAcquireEx
>        else
>                normal_LockAcquireEx
> At marker 1, we need to block until no code is running between markers two and
> three.  You could do that with a per-backend lock (LW_SHARED by the strong
> locker, LW_EXCLUSIVE by the backend).  That would probably still be a win over
> the current situation, but it would be nice to have something even cheaper.

Barring some brilliant idea, or anyway for a first cut, it seems to me
that we can adjust the above pseudocode by assuming the use of a
LWLock.  In addition, two other adjustments: first, the first line
should test level > ShareUpdateExclusiveLock, rather than >=, per
previous discussion.  Second, import_all_local locks needn't really
move everything; just those locks with a matching locktag.  Thus:

!        if (level > ShareUpdateExclusiveLock)
!                ++strong_lock_counts[my_strong_lock_count_partition]
!                sfence
!                for each backend
!                        take per-backend lwlock for target backend
!                        transfer fast-path entries with matching locktag
!                        release per-backend lwlock for target backend
!                normal_LockAcquireEx
!        else if (level <= RowExclusiveLock)
!                lfence
!                if (strong_lock_counts[my_strong_lock_count_partition] == 0)
!                        take per-backend lwlock for own backend
!                        fast-path lock acquisition
!                        release per-backend lwlock for own backend
!                else
!                        normal_LockAcquireEx
!        else
!                normal_LockAcquireEx

Now, a small fly in the ointment is that we haven't got, with
PostgreSQL, a portable library of memory primitives.  So there isn't
an obvious way of doing that sfence/lfence business.  Now, it seems to
me that in the "strong lock" case, the sfence isn't really needed
anyway, because we're about to start acquiring and releasing an lwlock
for every backend, and that had better act as a full memory barrier
anyhow, or we're doomed.  The "weak lock" case is more interesting,
because we need the fence before we've taken any LWLock.

But perhaps it'd be sufficient to just acquire the per-backend lwlock
before checking strong_lock_counts[].  If, as we hope, we get back a
zero, then we do the fast-path lock acquisition, release the lwlock,
and away we go.  If we get back any other value, then we've wasted an
lwlock acquisition cycle.  Or actually maybe not: it seems to me that
in that case we'd better transfer all of our fast-path entries into
the main hash table before trying to acquire any lock the slow way, at
least if we don't want the deadlock detector to have to know about the
fast-path.  So then we get this:

!        if (level > ShareUpdateExclusiveLock)
!                ++strong_lock_counts[my_strong_lock_count_partition]
!                for each backend
!                        take per-backend lwlock for target backend
!                        transfer fastpath entries with matching locktag
!                        release per-backend lwlock for target backend
!        else if (level <= RowExclusiveLock)
!                take per-backend lwlock for own backend
!                if (strong_lock_counts[my_strong_lock_count_partition] == 0)
!                        fast-path lock acquisition
!                        done = true
!                else
!                        transfer all fastpath entries
!                release per-backend lwlock for own backend
!        if (!done)
!                normal_LockAcquireEx

That seems like it ought to work, at least assuming the position of
your fencing instructions was correct in the first place.  But there's
one big problem to worry about: what happens if the lock transfer
fails due to shared memory exhaustion?  It's not so bad in the "weak
lock" case; it'll feel just like the already-existing case where you
try to push another lock into the shared-memory hash table and there's
no room.  Essentially you've been living on borrowed time anyway.  On
the other hand, the "strong lock" case is a real problem, because a
large number of granted fast-path locks can effectively DOS any strong
locker, even one that wouldn't have conflicted with them.  That's
clearly not going to fly, but it's not clear to me what the best way
is to patch around it.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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