Stephen Frost <> writes:
> * Tom Lane ( wrote:
>> Well, basically, you can't have that.  Example: you have an existing
>> table with primary key, and while you're in the middle of doing some
>> long transaction, somebody else creates a table with a foreign-key
>> reference to the one you're about to do a delete from.  Being
>> serializable does not excuse you from the obligation to check for
>> FK violations in that "invisible" table.  It might be acceptable to
>> fail entirely, but not to act as though the table isn't there.

> That's an excellent example and point.  Is there a 'right' answer (with
> regard to the SQL spec, what other databases do, etc)?

I'm not aware that anybody's got an amazingly satisfactory solution.
PG's answer is of course to use up-to-the-minute DDL regardless of what
the transaction might see for other purposes, which certainly has got
disadvantages if you're hoping for truly serializable behavior.  But I'm
not sure there's a better answer.  You could make an argument for
failing any serializable transaction that's affected by DDL changes that
happen after it started.  I don't know whether that cure would be worse
than the disease.

                        regards, tom lane

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