Josh Berkus <> writes:
> So, again, I don't agree that a separate synchrep permission is useful,
> or warranted.


> However, your arguments *do* make me backpedal on the issue of having a
> list of synch rep roles on the master.  I can easily imagine a DBA
> needing to rapidly disable synch rep if replication is failing, without
> taking the time to log in to several separate standbys, one or more of
> which might be improperly configured and inaccessible.  I can't think of
> a simpler way to do that than having a synch_rep_roles configuration on
> the master.  That would also handle control issues for the senior DBA,
> since you'd need superuser access to the master to modify it.

What about the HBA here?

Dimitri Fontaine     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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