Bill Cunningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I would think this should produce the following:

> test=# \d mytab
>         Table "bar.mytab"
>  Column |  Type   | Modifiers
> --------+---------+-----------
>  f1     | text    |
>  f1     | integer |

>         Table "foo.mytab"
>  Column |  Type   | Modifiers
> --------+---------+-----------
>  f2     | text    |
>  f3     | integer |

Even when schemas bar and foo are not in your search path?  (And,
perhaps, not even accessible to you?)

My gut feeling is that "\d mytab" should tell you about the same
table that "select * from mytab" would find.  Anything else is
probably noise to you --- if you wanted to know about foo.mytab,
you could say "\d foo.mytab".

However, \d is not a wildcardable operation AFAIR.  For the commands
that do take wildcard patterns (like \z), I'm not as sure what should

                        regards, tom lane

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