Alex Hunsaker <> writes:
> On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 16:59, Tom Lane <> wrote:
>> Surely, removing the internal name's dependency on the istrigger flag is
>> wrong.  If you're going to maintain separate hash entries at the pltcl
>> level, why would you want to risk collisions underneath that?

> Good catch.  I was basing it off plperl which uses the same proname
> for both (sprintf(subname, %s__%u", prodesc->proname, fn_oid)).  Its
> OK for plperl because when we compile we save a reference to it and
> use that directly (more or less).  The name does not really matter.

OK, applied.

I notice that plpython is also using the trigger relation's OID, but I
don't know that language well enough to tell whether it really needs to.

                        regards, tom lane

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