Bernd Helmle <> writes:
> This reminds me of a small discussion we had some years ago when i targeted
> this for the sake of completeness of ASS (see
> <>).

Discovered it, thanks for the pointer.

> I didn't follow the previous discussions about EXTENSION very closely, but
> to amend the idea made in the mentioned thread, couldn't we just invent a
> facility to move classes of objects belonging to an extension, only?

Well under the hood you still need about the same code. In the current
patch version I have, that would mean forgetting about a ~20 lines long
function and keeping the other two, 10+30 lines about.

Now if someone has a idea on how to have a single routine that knows how
to deal with any object type and change its namespace, I'm all ears, and
willing to have a try at it. Coding in C is for me a twice a year
exercise, so whatever I come up with will be... improvable, I fear.

Dimitri Fontaine     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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