On 31.10.2010 21:42, Dimitri Fontaine wrote:
Heikki Linnakangas<heikki.linnakan...@enterprisedb.com>  writes:
If I understand that correctly, the idea is that p_fun holds the name of a
function that's in the same schema as the extension? You would write that as

v_sql := 'SELECT * FROM @extsch...@.' || p_fun || '()';

Fair enough. Now what about the citext example, where IIRC the failure
is not on function names but operators and opclass not found, etc.

Just do "SET search_pa...@extschema@" at the beginning of the install script, just like we have "SET search_path=public" there now.

Forcing extension's author to get to always use the following notation
seems to me like pushing it:

- WHERE foo = bar
+ WHERE foo operator(@extsch...@.=) bar

Also, those examples are plpgsql but extensions are free to depend on
plperl or plpython, or even some pljs or plscheme out there.

Well, in case of functions you can always do "CREATE FUNCTION ... AS $$ ... $$ SET search_pa...@extschema".

"ALTER ... SET SCHEMA" wouldn't do anything for SQL statements embedded in plperl or plpython anyway.

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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