Boszormenyi Zoltan wrote:
> Hi,
> we improved ECPG quite a lot in 9.0 because we worked and
> still working with an Informix to PostgreSQL migration project.
> We came across a pretty big performance problem that can be seen in
> every "naive" application that uses only FETCH 1, FETCH RELATIVE
> or FETCH ABSOLUTE. These are almost the only FETCH variations
> usable in Informix, i.e. it doesn't have the grammar for fetching N rows
> at once. Instead, the Client SDK libraries do caching themselves
> behind the scenes to reduce network turnaround time.

I assume our ecpg version supports >1 fetch values, even in Informix
mode.  Does it make sense to add lots of code to our ecpg then?

  Bruce Momjian  <>

  + None of us is going to be here forever. +

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