Kevin Grittner wrote:
"Joshua D. Drake" <> wrote:
The answer to this is: recommends that this setting be left on at all
times.  Turning it off, may lead to data corruption.

Anything else is circumstantial and based on knowledge and facts
we don't have about environmental factors.
Perhaps Josh's language for fsync could be modified to work here
(we're now talking about full_page_writes, for anyone who's lost
| it is only advisable to turn off fsync if you can easily recreate
| your entire database from external data.
That covers bulk loads to an empty or just-backed-up database and
entirely redundant databases.  Saying it should never be turned off
would tend to make one wonder why we have the setting at all.
Would the term "entirely redundant databases" include (synchronously) replicated databases? (ps: I did indeed lose track about whether this is about fsync or full_page_writes and did not get on the track again)

Yeb Havinga

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