On Jan 4, 2010, at 3:29 PM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:

> If you're not deep into Perl, perhaps ignore the Test::More comment for
> the moment and just use DBI to connect to several database sessions,
> execute your queries and check if the results are what you want.  Once
> you have gotten somewhere with that, wrapping a test harness around it
> is something others will be able to help with.

Last I heard, Andrew was willing to require Test::More for testing, so that a 
Perl script could handle multiple psql connections (perhaps forked) and output 
test results based on them. But he wasn't as interested in requiring DBI and 
DBD::Pg, neither of which are in the Perl core and are more of a PITA to 
install (not huge, but the barrier might as well stay low).

> pgTAP isn't really going to help you here, as it runs with *one*
> database session, and its main functionality is to format the result of
> SQL functions into TAP output, which is not very much like what you
> ought to be doing.

Right, exactly.



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