On Sep 22, 2009, at 7:18 PM, Andrew Gierth wrote:

Hstore patch incorporating changes as previously discussed.

In addition the requested new features of conversions to and from
array formats have been added (with docs).

Thanks Andrew.

Just a few thoughts for discussion:

* From my previous posts: Is it time to kill off `...@` and `~`,? Not necessarily for your patch to handle, just wondering what others think.

* I like the %% operator for converting to arrays. Though I think maybe I would have liked %@ better, but maybe that's just the Perl hacker in me.

* I also like the new %# operator to convert to two-dimensional arrays. But if you adopted %@ for arrays, maybe %@@ better indicates a 2-dimensional array? I'm just thinking out lout here, I'm happy to have them no matter what they're called.

* More name stuff: Why `hstore_to_list` rather than `hstore_to_array`? And I'm not sure about `hstore_to_matrix` for the 2-dimensional array. I guess that's better than `hstore_to_multidimensional_array` would be. ;-)

  For those following along at home, here's what these guys look like:

      SELECT %% 'a=>foo, b=>bar'::hstore as array_op,
             hstore_to_list('a=>foo, b=>bar'::hstore),
             %#  'a=>foo, b=>bar'::hstore as matrix_op,
             hstore_to_matrix('a=>foo, b=>bar'::hstore);
array_op | hstore_to_list | matrix_op | hstore_to_matrix ---------------+----------------+------------------- +------------------- {a,foo,b,bar} | {a,foo,b,bar} | {{a,foo},{b,bar}} | {{a,foo}, {b,bar}}
      (1 row)

  Pretty cool!

* Thanks for updating the docs with:
  + BTREE and HASH index support
  + A fix for the populate_hash() pasto
  + A link to a discussion of backslashing and SQL standard strings
  + A note on the overhead of reading the old binary format
  + Notes on how to update from the old binary format

In the attached patch, I made a few tweaks to the hstore docs, after applying your patch. I would have created a new patch with everything, but ran out of time trying to convince Git to create a context diff. This is a unified diff, but short, with just these changes:

* Fixed doc pasto for %#.
* Noted in docs that the format is new in 8.5, rather than "this version".
* Eliminated a redundant "However, ".
* Added an example for creating a HASH index.

In sum: Modulo a discussion of the names of the array casting operators and functions, I think this patch is ready for committer review.



Attachment: hstore-doc.patch
Description: Binary data

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