On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 19:45 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Hannu Krosing <ha...@2ndquadrant.com> writes:
> > Can't it be kept separately maintained release for a version or two, so
> > that we will have both PostgreSQL and SE-PostgreSQL and thus have an
> > easy way to compare both correctness and performance ?
> Actually, KaiGai-san has been distributing a patched SEPostgres on
> Fedora for awhile already (and it's been rather a pain in the neck
> I fear to keep it in sync with the regular distribution).  One thing
> I would love to know is how many people are actually using that, but
> AFAIK there's no good way to find out.

To point out the obvious, we are in a quandary here. Nobody argues the
feature would be interesting and although I don't have use for it I
could see where some people would. I also see where it would open doors
for us. 

Is there any possibility of having it be enabled at compile time? The
default would be know but those distributions that would like to make
use of it could?

I am actually surprised we are not seeing traction on this from SuSE and
Redhat. My understanding is that they are both SE Linux supporters.

Joshua D. Drake

>                       regards, tom lane
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