"Alex Hunsaker" <bada...@gmail.com> writes:
> ...  So Im going to mark it as
> ready for commmiter.

Has this patch been tested on Windows?  (Or more generally, with EXEC_BACKEND?)

The reason I ask is that eyeballing the code suggests a couple of major
problems in that area:

* the startup/shutdown hooks will be installed in the postmaster
process, but the patch expects them to be executed in a child process.
I think nothing will happen.

* in an EXEC_BACKEND situation, we re-execute
process_shared_preload_libraries() when starting a fresh backend
(but not in other kinds of child processes, which is why the other
problem is a problem).  This means re-executing the _PG_init function,
which will try to redefine the custom GUC variables, which will fail.
I don't think this is really a bug in this patch per se, it's a bug
in the custom-GUC support; but nonetheless it looks like a problem.

                        regards, tom lane

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