On Dec 1, 2008, at 1:08 PM, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
postgres=# SELECT to_timestamp('29-12-2005 01:02:3', 'DD-MM-YYYY
HH24:MI:SS'); -- doesn't work
ERROR: source string too short for "SS" formatting field
DETAIL: Field requires 2 characters, but only 1 remain.
HINT: If your source string is not fixed-width, try using the "FM"
I think the end of string should be treated like a field separator,
colon in this example, and we should accept both of the above.
I'm generally in favor of being generous in the input one can accept,
but in this case it seems ambiguous to me. Is that supposed to be :30
or :03? There's no way to tell.
My $0.02.
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