> It's too early to vote. :-)
> The second and third option have prerequisite.
> The purpose of them is to match granularity of access controls
> provided by SE-PostgreSQL and native PostgreSQL. However, I have
> not seen a clear reason why these different security mechanisms
> have to have same granuality in access controls.

Have you seen a clear reason why they should NOT have the same granularity?

I realize that SELinux has become quite popular and that a lot of
people use it - but certainly not everyone.  There might be some parts
of the functionality that are not really severable, and if that is the
case, fine.  But I think there should be some consideration of which
parts can be usefully exposed via SQL and which can't.  If the parts
that can be are independently useful, then I think they should be
available, but ultimately that's a judgment call and people may come
to different conclusions.


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