Greg Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Usefully organized 
> content doesn't magically create itself, it takes work.

What he said.

It's worth pointing out here that a whole lot of what is in Bruce's
queue isn't patches or anything close to that, but discussions that he
dropped into the queue until they could get summarized as TODO items.
We've talked about moving the TODO list to the wiki as well.  Something
that would perhaps be useful to do in parallel with the patch-reviewing
is to make that happen and start pushing the discussion threads out of
the patch queue and onto the wiki page.  Right now it's hard to even
find the reviewable patches among the other stuff.

I do have a bee in my bonnet about the TODO-to-be threads that revolve
around mapping ideas (free space map, dead space map, known frozen
pages, etc etc).  I would like us to consider *all* those ideas as
a group and try to come out with a coherent roadmap for where we are
going to go with them.  Perhaps that isn't an appropriate commit-fest
activity, but it needs to happen sometime soon, before anyone starts
spending serious work on these areas.

There may be some other threads as well in which we need to review
design ideas, rather than complete patches, to help someone head in
the right direction.

                        regards, tom lane

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