* Joshua D. Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080220 21:15]:
> The one thing this does is make the postgresql.conf basically a
> placeholder. It is not definitive anymore, in the sense that settings
> will be overwritten on restart. That really isn't that uncommon anyway
> in other applications.

Man, I'ld screem *bloody murder* if the config file we just finished,
after spending days (or weeks) of careful analisys and implementation
discussion was "overwritten" by postmaster "automatically" on server

Of course, I'm not quite that dumb - the config file would be checked
out of SCM, so it wouldn't be lost, but I certainly wouldn't be happy to
have to puzzle why the config file I *just wrote* seems not to be
affecting things the way I intended, only to find that the database
"overwrote" it with the old settings it had been using (that were
obviously the reason we needed to change the config)...

But part of that might just be user education...  I personally just
can't imagine that education could be enough to let *all* users know
that as of version S, postgresql.conf is blatantly ignored, no, more
exactly *purposely overwritten* with the "old" settings...

If postgresql.conf is *ever* going to be deprecated as a "config file"
that in *controls* PostgreSQL, then absolutely do *not* leave it around,
and screem loudly if postmaster notices that it exists...


Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.

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