Tom, On Nov 27, 2007 3:58 AM, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Please try this patch on your real app (not the dumbed-down test case) > and see what it does for you ...
If I disable the cache in the application, the most visited page generates 175 SQL queries, mix of simple and more complicated queries so it's quite "real life" (it's a page which aggregates quite a lot of data - available in production here: ). The average of 5 runs for this page gives: 1.108 second for 8.2, 1.054 second for 8.3devel with your cache lookup patch. Which gives us 8.3devel+cache patch a bit faster (~5%) than 8.2 on a quite representative set of queries, even with no concurrency at all. That's very good news. Without your last patch but with the set of patches you commited these last days (basically latest CVS tip), 8.3devel is nearly as fast as 8.2 to generate this page but consistently a bit slower. For historical purposes, here are the results of my simple and dumb test case (pgbench -c 10 -n 10000 with the custom queries I mentioned earlier): 8.2: 1480 tps 2007-11-01: 1200 tps 2007-11-27: 1420 tps (after your set of patches to simplify the planner for simple queries) 2007-11-27 + cache lookup patch: 2260 tps That said, I checked nearly each of the 175 queries and I still find a few queries a bit slower. I don't know if it's worth digging but as you already found a couple of problems, I prefer mentioning it. For example, after simplification of a query with a few joins which is slower in 8.3devel+patch, I have the following results (consistent over several runs of the query): ** 8.2 ** => SELECT NP.codejour FROM newsplanning NP WHERE NP.codelang = 'FRA' AND date_trunc('day',NP.dfin)>= date_trunc('day',now()) AND date_trunc('day',NP.ddeb) <= date_trunc('day',now()) AND NP.codeth = 'THE' and NP.niveau = 1; <snip 4 rows> Time: 5.659 ms => EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT NP.codejour FROM newsplanning NP WHERE NP.codelang = 'FRA' AND date_trunc('day',NP.dfin)>= date_trunc('day',now()) AND date_trunc('day',NP.ddeb) <= date_trunc('day',now()) AND NP.codeth = 'THE' and NP.niveau = 1; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Index Scan using idx_newsplanning_numnews_codelang_dfin_ddeb_codeth_niveau on newsplanning np (cost=0.00..752.95 rows=50 width=4) (actual time=4.478..5.029 rows=4 loops=1) Index Cond: (((codelang)::text = 'FRA'::text) AND ((codeth)::text = 'THE'::text) AND (niveau = 1)) Filter: ((date_trunc('day'::text, dfin) >= date_trunc('day'::text, now())) AND (date_trunc('day'::text, ddeb) <= date_trunc('day'::text, now()))) Total runtime: 5.064 ms ** 8.3devel with cache lookup ** =# SELECT NP.codejour FROM newsplanning NP WHERE NP.codelang = 'FRA' AND date_trunc('day',NP.dfin)>= date_trunc('day',now()) AND date_trunc('day',NP.ddeb) <= date_trunc('day',now()) AND NP.codeth = 'THE' and NP.niveau = 1; <snip 4 rows> Time: 5.932 ms EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT NP.codejour FROM newsplanning NP WHERE NP.codelang = 'FRA' AND date_trunc('day',NP.dfin)>= date_trunc('day',now()) AND date_trunc('day',NP.ddeb) <= date_trunc('day',now()) AND NP.codeth = 'THE' and NP.niveau = 1; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Index Scan using idx_newsplanning_numnews_codelang_dfin_ddeb_codeth_niveau on newsplanning np (cost=0.00..679.35 rows=46 width=4) (actual time=4.884..5.467 rows=4 loops=1) Index Cond: (((codelang)::text = 'FRA'::text) AND ((codeth)::text = 'THE'::text) AND (niveau = 1)) Filter: ((date_trunc('day'::text, dfin) >= date_trunc('day'::text, now())) AND (date_trunc('day'::text, ddeb) <= date_trunc('day'::text, now()))) Total runtime: 5.501 ms (4 rows) The schema of the table is the following: => \d newsplanning Table "public.newsplanning" Column | Type | Modifiers ---------------+-----------------------------+-------------------- idplanning | integer | not null numnews | integer | not null ddeb | timestamp without time zone | not null dfin | timestamp without time zone | not null codeth | character varying(3) | not null niveau | integer | not null ordre | integer | codelang | character varying(3) | not null ddermodif | timestamp without time zone | logindermodif | character varying(20) | codejour | integer | not null default 1 Indexes: "pk_newsplanning" PRIMARY KEY, btree (idplanning) "idx_newsplanning_ddeb_dfin_numnews_niveau_codelang" btree (ddeb, dfin, numnews, niveau, codelang) "idx_newsplanning_numnews_codelang_dfin_ddeb_codeth_niveau" btree (numnews, codelang, dfin, ddeb, codeth, niveau) Foreign-key constraints: "fk_newsplanning_codejour" FOREIGN KEY (codejour) REFERENCES jours(codejour) ON DELETE CASCADE "fk_newsplanning_ref_codeth" FOREIGN KEY (codeth) REFERENCES theme(codeth) ON DELETE CASCADE "fk_newsplanning_ref_numnews" FOREIGN KEY (numnews) REFERENCES news(numnews) ON DELETE CASCADE "fk_newsplanning_ref_ord" FOREIGN KEY (niveau) REFERENCES ordnews(ordnews) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT I can provide test data in private if needed. -- Guillaume ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend