On Nov 25, 2007 6:41 PM, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Would you show us the test case you're using?

Sure, it's the same queries I posted earlier. My pgbench script is the

select libvil from vilsitelang where codelang='FRA' and codevil='LYO'
select TL.motsclesmetatags, TL.descriptifmeta, TL.motcleoverture_l,
TL.motcleoverture_c, TL.baselinetheme from themelang TL where
TL.codeth = 'ASS' and TL.codelang = 'FRA'
SELECT libvilpubwoo, codelang, codepays, petiteville FROM vilsite
WHERE codevil = 'LYO'
select libvil from vilsitelang where codelang='FRA' and codevil='LYO'


I send a link to the data to both of you in private.


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