>> Regardless of whether this particular behavior is fixable,
>> this brings up something that I think we *must* do before
>> 7.1 release: create a utility that blows away a corrupted
>> logfile to allow the system to restart with whatever is in
>> the datafiles.  Otherwise, there is no recovery technique
>> for WAL restart failures, short of initdb and restore from
>> last backup.  I'd rather be able to get at data of
>> questionable up-to-dateness than not have any chance of
>> recovery at all.
> I've asked 2 or 3 times how to recover from recovery failure
> but got no answer. We should some recipi for the failure
> before 7.1 release.

And I answered 2 or 3 times with fixes for each reported
recovery failure -:) (And asked to help with testing...)

Seems to me that "fixing" is the only "answer" you would
get asking the same question to Oracle, Informix or any
other system with transaction log. Does anybody know how
"big boys" deal with this issue?


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