Quoting Fred Yankowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Mon, Jan 22, 2001 at 10:19:00PM +0000, Peter Mount wrote:
> > While on this subject, does anyone have a version of cygipc that works
> with 
> > the current version of CygWin? What's on postgresql.org doesn't work,
> and 
> > the link on the site was broken.
> The latest cygipc distribution (source and binary) seems to be at
> <http://www.neuro.gatech.edu/users/cwilson/cygutils/V1.1/cygipc/index.html>.
> Version 1.08 works fine for me, with the HEAD version of PostgreSQL
> and DLL version 1.1.7 of cygwin.

Thanks, I'll see if it's going to work for me. Hopefully it's going to help 
getting JDBC debugged while my Linux box is down, and also as I only have NT at 
work now.

> I've been messing with ipc-daemon so that it can run as an NT service
> all by itself, with no funky wrappers like 'invoker' or 'srvany'.
> It's working pretty well, and even knows how to install and remove
> itself as a service.  I'd be happy to make the patch available if
> anyone is interested in shaking it down.  I plan to submit it to the
> guy who's currently maintaining cygipc.

I've used srvany before with cygwin. Nice little gotcha's like remembering to 
mount with the -s flag etc ;-)

> And then I'd like to get postmaster itself also running as an NT
> service, able to shut down cleanly when the service is stopped.

Now that would be useful.


PostgreSQL JDBC Driver: http://www.retep.org.uk/postgres/
RetepPDF PDF library for Java: http://www.retep.org.uk/pdf/

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