Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom Lane writes:
>> Actually, it might be easier to go back to keeping it in a file
>> version.h (NOT .in) which configure could read it out of.  I never
>> figured out why Peter put it directly in in the first
>> place; that means it is actually hard-coded in two files (
>> and configure) which is a recipe for trouble.  Peter?

> The original reason was to make it available to non-C programs.

Sure, but we can do that by having configure read the data from
version.h and insert it into wherever else it needs to be.  This
puts the sed hackery into configure, which depends on sed anyway,
and not into the native-Win32 compilation process where there's
no easy way to do it.

> I think you can just define it empty since the only way it will be used
> (in the subset of things Win32 builds) is for psql --version output.

I don't much care for the idea of being unable to determine the version
of a Win32 psql.  Psql's backslash commands are sufficiently
version-specific that you can't really treat it as being the same
across all versions.

                        regards, tom lane

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