On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Mikheev, Vadim wrote:

> > Um, you do realize that a contrib module that gets used as part of the
> > regress tests may as well be mainstream?  At least in terms of the
> > portability requirements it will have to meet?
> >
> > I'm unhappy again.  Bad enough we accepted a new feature during beta;
> > now we're going to expect an absolutely virgin contrib module to work
> > everywhere in order to pass regress tests?
> Ops, agreed.
> And I fear that in current code there is no one GiST index
> implementation -:( Should we worry about regress tests? -:)

Yes, we had to write contrib module even  to test GiST. People,
I'm really confused after reading all of messages.
GiST is just an interface and to test any interface you need 2 sides.
In current code there is only one side. old GiST code live
untested for years. What's the problem ? It's the problem of
current regression test, mostly.
Ok. We could rewrite R-Tree to use GiST and make regression test which
will not make people nervous. But this certainly not for 7.1 and most
probable without us. Author of R-Tree could write this easily.
I read Bruce's interview and was really relaxed -
how everything is going well. Bruce, we need your opinion.

> Vadim

Oleg Bartunov, sci.researcher, hostmaster of AstroNet,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University (Russia)
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/
phone: +007(095)939-16-83, +007(095)939-23-83

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