At 14:28 7/12/00 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>Next 4 bytes: version number, currently 1 (expressed in source machine's

I don't want to continue being picky, but you could just use 4 bytes for a
maj-min-rev-patch version number (in that order), and avoid the endian
issues by reading and writing each byte. No big deal, though.

>This allows for both backwards-compatible header additions (extend the
>header without changing the version number) and non-backwards-compatible
>changes (bump the version number).

That's where the rev & patch levels help if you adopt the above version
numbering - 1.0-** should should all be compatibile, 1.1 should be able to
read <= 1.1-**, 1.0-** should not be expected to read 1.1-** etc.


Sounds reasonable even without the above suggestions.

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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