On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 12:13 PM Peter Smith <smithpb2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 3:45 PM Peter Smith <smithpb2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Please find attached the latest patch set v73`*
> >
> > Differences from v72* are:
> >
> > * Rebased to HEAD @ today (required because v72-0001 no longer applied 
> > cleanly)
> >
> > * Minor documentation correction for protocol messages for Commit Prepared 
> > ('K')
> >
> > * Non-functional code tidy (mostly proto.c) to reduce overloading
> > different meanings to same member names for prepare/commit times.
> Please find attached a re-posting of patch set v73*

Few comments when I was having a look at the tests added:
1) Can the below:
+# check inserts are visible. 22 should be rolled back. 21 should be committed.
+$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*)
FROM tab_full where a IN (21);");
+is($result, qq(1), 'Rows committed are on the subscriber');
+$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*)
FROM tab_full where a IN (22);");
+is($result, qq(0), 'Rows rolled back are not on the subscriber');

be changed to:
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT a FROM
tab_full where a IN (21,22);");
is($result, qq(21), 'Rows committed are on the subscriber');

And Test count need to be reduced to "use Test::More tests => 19"

2) we can change tx to transaction:
+# check the tx state is prepared on subscriber(s)
+$result = $node_B->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*) FROM
+is($result, qq(1), 'transaction is prepared on subscriber B');
+$result = $node_C->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*) FROM
+is($result, qq(1), 'transaction is prepared on subscriber C');

3) There are few more instances present in the same file, those also
can be changed.

4) Can the below:
 check inserts are visible at subscriber(s).
# 22 should be rolled back.
# 21 should be committed.
$result = $node_B->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*) FROM
tab_full where a IN (21);");
is($result, qq(1), 'Rows committed are present on subscriber B');
$result = $node_B->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*) FROM
tab_full where a IN (22);");
is($result, qq(0), 'Rows rolled back are not present on subscriber B');
$result = $node_C->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*) FROM
tab_full where a IN (21);");
is($result, qq(1), 'Rows committed are present on subscriber C');
$result = $node_C->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT count(*) FROM
tab_full where a IN (22);");
is($result, qq(0), 'Rows rolled back are not present on subscriber C');

be changed to:
$result = $node_B->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT a FROM tab_full where
a IN (21,22);");
is($result, qq(21), 'Rows committed are on the subscriber');
$result = $node_C->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT a FROM tab_full where
a IN (21,22);");
is($result, qq(21), 'Rows committed are on the subscriber');

And Test count need to be reduced to "use Test::More tests => 27"

5) should we change "Two phase commit" to "Two phase commit state" :
+               /*
+                * Binary, streaming, and two_phase are only supported
in v14 and
+                * higher
+                */
                if (pset.sversion >= 140000)
                                                          ", subbinary
AS \"%s\"\n"
-                                                         ", substream
AS \"%s\"\n",
+                                                         ", substream
AS \"%s\"\n"
+                                                         ",
subtwophasestate AS \"%s\"\n",

gettext_noop("Two phase commit"));


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