On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 3:10 AM wangsh.f...@fujitsu.com
<wangsh.f...@fujitsu.com> wrote:
> David Steele <da...@pgmasters.net> wrote:
> > It's not clear to me what text editors have to do with this? Are you
> > editing the file manually?
> When I execute SELECT * FROM pg_stop_backup(false, true) in psql.
> The results will be shown like:
>             lsn    |                           labelfile                      
>      | spcmapfile
> ------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+------------
>         0/2000138 | START WAL LOCATION: 0/2000028 (file 
> 000000010000000000000002)+|
>                    | CHECKPOINT LOCATION: 0/2000060                           
>     +|
>                    | BACKUP METHOD: streamed                                  
>    +|
>                    | BACKUP FROM: master                                      
>     +
>         ......
> The results only will be shown on screen and this function will not generate 
> any files. What I do is write
> the second field(labelfile) to a new file backup_label and write the third 
> field(spcmapfile) to tablespace_map if
> the third field is not null.
> Therefore, I choose a text editor to help me write the file.
> I copy the a line in second field and paste this to text editor and press the 
> 'enter' key, repeat this action util
> all the line have be pasted to text editor, then save the file.
> If this is not a good way to create the backup_label file, can you tell me 
> how can I create this file on windows?
These APIs are really not designed to be run manually from a CLI and
copy/paste the results.

Running them from literally any script or program should make that
easy, by getting the actual value out and storing it.

> I think the real problem is this file on windows is opened with binary mode. 
> If I use libpq to get the result and write
> the result to file directly(the default action on windows is open file in 
> text mode), this problem will be happened.
> So I consider this is a bug.

No, the problem is you are using copy/paste and in doing so you are
*changing'* the value that is being returned. You'll either need to
update your copy/paste procedure to not mess with the newlines, or to
use a better way to get the data out.

If we need to clarify that in the documentation, I'm fine with that.
Maybe add an extra sentence to the part about not modifying the output
to mention that this includes changing newslines and also encoding
(which would also break it, if you managed to find a non-ascii
compatible encoding). Maybe even something along the line of "the
contents have to be written in binary mode"?

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: https://www.hagander.net/
 Work: https://www.redpill-linpro.com/

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