On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 11:04 AM Dilip Kumar <dilipbal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Even after the above case, we might say it is still not a problem for
> this patch because even though t2 doesn't have a direct relationship
> with lz4 but it has an indirect relationship with lz4 via t1.  So I
> think this particular case which I showed might not be a problem even
> for the custom compression method.  However, I agree that the
> decompressing to survive COMMIT/ROLLBACK might be a problem for custom
> compression methods but not for the built-in method.   So I agree with
> the conclusion that even if we don't make any changes to the
> "expandedrecord.c", it won't be a problem for the built-in methods.

I think I was wrong here, consider below scenario (Robert had sent
this test to me(offlist) for showing some other example, which I have
modified a bit to prove another point)

create table foo (a int, b text);
create table foo1 (a int, b text compression lz4);
insert into foo1 select 1, repeat('a', 3000);

create or replace function make_foo() returns foo as $$declare x foo;
x.a = 1;
select b into x.b from foo1;
return x;
end$$ language plpgsql;

create table bar (f foo);
insert into bar select make_foo();
SELECT pg_column_compression((bar.f).b) FROM bar;
(1 row)

So basically, now table bar doesn't have any relation with foo1 and it
is still the row with compression method lz4.  This issue is resolved
with my changes in
(v25_0001_Disallow_compressed_data_inside_container_types, in
expandedrecord.c).  So the point is that for the built-in method also
we need changes related to expandedrecord at least the changes I made
where tuple are actually formed for inserting into the target.

Dilip Kumar
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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