On 2020/11/27 0:15, Bharath Rupireddy wrote:
On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 7:37 PM Fujii Masao <masao.fu...@oss.nttdata.com> wrote:

What do you mean by normal shutdown of bgworker? Is it that bgworker has exited 
successfully with exit code 0 or for some reason with exit code other than 0? 
Or is it when the postmaster is shutdown normally?

IIUC, when a bgworker exists either normally with an exit code 0 or other than 0, then 
CleanupBackgroundWorker() is called in postmaster, a message(like below) is prepared, and the 
LogChildExit() is called with either DEBUG1 or LOG level and for instance the message you specified 
gets printed "background worker ... exited with exit code 1". I have not seen a FATAL 
message similar to "background worker ... exited with exit code 1" at the normal shutdown.

snprintf(namebuf, MAXPGPATH, _("background worker \"%s\""), 

LogChildExit(EXIT_STATUS_0(exitstatus) ? DEBUG1 : LOG, namebuf, pid, 

Am I missing something?

If my analysis is right, then for instance, when a logical replication launcher is exited, it logs 
"background worker "logical replication launcher" exited with exit code X" with 
either DEBUG1 or LOG level but not with FATAL level.

Yes, it's not with FATAL level. But that message looks like that it's
reporting error message. This is why we sometimes received
the complaints (e.g., [1][2]) about that message.

Oh. Should we do something about it now?

No. This is not directly related to the issue that we are discussing
as I told upthread. Of course, it's better to work on this if we can
easily fix it. But seems not... So please ignore this my comment.


Fujii Masao
Advanced Computing Technology Center
Research and Development Headquarters

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