Not related to DETACH PARTITION, but I found a bug in ATTACH PARTITION. Here are the steps to reproduce the issue:
create table tpart(i int, j int) partition by range(i); create table tpart_1(like tpart); create table tpart_2(like tpart); create table tpart_default(like tpart);alter table tpart attach partition tpart_1 for values from(0) to (100); alter table tpart attach partition tpart_default default;insert into tpart_2 values(110,110),(120,120),(150,150);1: begin; 1: alter table tpart attach partition tpart_2 for values from(100) to (200); 2: begin; -- insert will be blocked by ALTER TABLE ATTACH PARTITION 2: insert into tpart values (110,110),(120,120),(150,150); 1: end; 2: select * from tpart_default; 2: end; After that the partition tpart_default contains (110,110),(120,120),(150,150) inserted in session 2, which obviously violates the partition constraint. Regards, Hao Wu