On 2020-Jul-07, Peter Geoghegan wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 1:18 PM Alvaro Herrera <alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com> 
> wrote:
> > Yeah, backporting GUCs is not a big deal.  Sure, the GUC won't appear in
> > postgresql.conf files generated by initdb prior to the release that
> > introduces it.  But users that need it can just edit their .confs and
> > add the appropriate line, or just do ALTER SYSTEM after the minor
> > upgrade.
> I don't buy that argument myself. At a minimum, if we do it then we
> ought to feel bad about it. It should be rare.

Judging history, it's pretty clear that it *is* rare.  I'm not
suggesting we do it now.  I'm just contesting the assertion that it's

> The fact that you can have a replica on an earlier point release
> enforces the idea that it ought to be broadly compatible.

A replica without hash_mem is not going to fail if the primary is
upgraded to a version with hash_mem, so I'm not sure this argument
means anything in this case.  In any case, when we add WAL message types
in minor releases, users are suggested to upgrade the replicas first; if
they fail to do so, the replicas shut down when they reach a WAL point
where the primary emitted the new message.  Generally speaking, we *don't*
promise that running a replica with an older minor always works, though
obviously it does work most of the time.

> Technically
> users are not guaranteed that this will work, just like there are no
> guarantees about WAL compatibility across point releases. We
> nevertheless tacitly provide a "soft" guarantee that we won't break
> WAL -- and that we won't add entirely new GUCs in a point release.

Agreed, we do provide those guarantees.

Álvaro Herrera                https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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