> On Apr 10, 2020, at 8:19 AM, Jeremy Morton <ad...@game-point.net> wrote:
> Oh well.  Guess I keep using SQL Server then.  datetimeoffset makes it 
> impossible for developers to make the mistake of forgetting to use UTC 
> instead of local datetime, and for that reason alone it makes it invaluable 
> in my opinion.  It should be used universally instead of datetime.

1. Not sure I understand. I’ve never used datetimeoffset so please bear with 
me. How does storing a time zone with the date time “make it impossible for 
developers to make the mistake….”

2. I usually work with timestamps that have input and output across multiple 
time zones, why would one store a time zone in the database?  If I need a local 
time, then postgres does that automatically. 

3. At the end of the day a point in time in UTC is about as clear as it is 
possible to make it.

Not trying to be difficult, just trying to understand.


> -- 
> Best regards,
> Jeremy Morton (Jez)
> Andreas Karlsson wrote:
>> On 4/10/20 10:34 AM, Jeremy Morton wrote:
>>> I've noticed that Postgres doesn't have support for DATETIMEOFFSET (or any 
>>> functional equivalent data type) yet.  Is this on the roadmap to implement? 
>>>  I find it a very useful data type that I use all over the place in TSQL 
>>> databases.
>> Hi,
>> I do not think anyone is working on such a type.  And personally I think 
>> such a type is better suite for an extension rather than for core 
>> PostgreSQL. For most applications the timestamptz and date types are enough 
>> to solve everything time related (with some use of the timestamp type when 
>> doing calculations), but there are niche applications where other temporal 
>> types can be very useful, but I personally do not think those are common 
>> enough for inclusion in core PostgreSQL.
>> I suggest writing an extension with this type and see if there is any 
>> interest in it.
>> Andreas

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