> Could you please elaborate why does it sound like that? If I understand
> correctly, to stop a scan only "between" pages one need to use only
> _bt_readpage/_bt_steppage? Other than that there is no magic with scan
> position in the patch, so I'm not sure if I'm missing something here.

Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think one case where the current 
patch relies on some data from the page it has locked before it in checking 
this hi/lo key. I think it's possible for the following sequence to happen. 
Suppose we have a very simple one leaf-page btree containing four elements: 
leaf page 1 = [2,4,6,8]
We do a backwards index skip scan on this and have just returned our first 
tuple (8). The buffer is left pinned but unlocked. Now, someone else comes in 
and inserts a tuple (value 5) into this page, but suppose the page happens to 
be full. So a page split occurs. As far as I know, a page split could happen at 
any random element in the page. One of the situations we could be left with is:
Leaf page 1 = [2,4]
Leaf page 2 = [5,6,8]
However, our scan is still pointing to leaf page 1. For non-skip scans this is 
not a problem, as we already read all matching elements in our local buffer and 
we'll return those. But the skip scan currently:
a) checks the lo-key of the page to see if the next prefix can be found on the 
leaf page 1
b) finds out that this is actually true
c) does a search on the page and returns value=4 (while it should have returned 

Peter, is my understanding about the btree internals correct so far?

Now that I look at the patch again, I fear there currently may also be such a 
dependency in the "Advance forward but read backward"-case. It saves the offset 
number of a tuple in a variable, then does a _bt_search (releasing the lock and 
pin on the page). At this point, anything can happen to the tuples on this page 
- the page may be compacted by vacuum such that the offset number you have in 
your variable does not match the actual offset number of the tuple on the page 
anymore. Then, at the check for (nextOffset == startOffset) later, there's a 
possibility the offsets are different even though they relate to the same tuple.


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