On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 2:49 PM Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 11:01 AM Masahiko Sawada
> <masahiko.saw...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> >
> > I've attached the latest version patch set. The patch set includes all
> > discussed points regarding index AM options as well as shared cost
> > balance. Also I added some test cases used all types of index AM.
> >
> I have reviewed the first patch and made a number of modifications
> that include adding/modifying comments, made some corrections and
> modifications in the documentation. You can find my changes in
> v33-0001-delta-amit.patch.

I have continued my review for this patch series and reviewed/hacked
the second patch.  I have added/modified comments, changed function
ordering in file to make them look consistent and a few other changes.
You can find my changes in v33-0002-delta-amit.patch.   Are you
working on review comments given recently, if you have not started
yet, then it might be better to prepare a patch atop of v33 version as
I am also going to work on this patch series, that way it will be easy
to merge changes.  OTOH, if you are already working on those, then it
is fine.  I can merge any remaining changes with your new patch.
Whatever be the case, please let me know.

Few more comments on v33-0002-Add-parallel-option-to-VACUUM-command.patch:
+ * leader process re-initializes the parallel context while keeping recorded
+ * dead tuples so that the leader can launch parallel workers again in the next
+ * time.

In this sentence, it is not clear to me why we need to keep the
recorded dead tuples while re-initialize parallel workers?  The next
time when workers are launched, they should process a new set of dead
tuples, no?

+ /*
+ * Increment the active worker count. We cannot decrement until the
+ * all parallel workers finish.
+ */
pg_atomic_add_fetch_u32(VacuumActiveNWorkers, 1);
+ /*
+ * Join as parallel workers. The leader process alone does that in
+ * case where
no workers launched.
+ */
+ if (lps->leaderparticipates || lps->pcxt->nworkers_launched == 0)
+ vacuum_or_cleanup_indexes_worker
(Irel, nindexes, stats, lps->lvshared,
+ vacrelstats->dead_tuples);
+ /*
 * Here, the indexes that had been skipped during parallel index vacuuming
+ * are remaining. If there are such indexes the leader process does
+ * or cleanup them one by one.
+ */
+ nindexes_remains = nindexes -
+ if
(nindexes_remains > 0)
+ {
+ int i;
+ int nprocessed = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i <
nindexes; i++)
+ {
+ bool processed = !skip_parallel_index_vacuum(Irel[i],
+ /* Skip the already processed indexes */
if (processed)
+ continue;
+ if (lps->lvshared->for_cleanup)
lazy_cleanup_index(Irel[i], &stats[i],
+    vacrelstats->new_rel_tuples,
   vacrelstats->tupcount_pages < vacrelstats->rel_pages);
+ else
lazy_vacuum_index(Irel[i], &stats[i], vacrelstats->dead_tuples,
+   vacrelstats-
+ nprocessed++;
+ }
+ Assert
(nprocessed == nindexes_remains);
+ }
+ /*
+ * We have completed the index vacuum so decrement the active worker
+ * count.
+ pg_atomic_sub_fetch_u32(VacuumActiveNWorkers, 1);

Here, it seems that we can increment/decrement the
VacuumActiveNWorkers even when there is no work performed by the
leader backend.  How about moving increment/decrement inside function
vacuum_or_cleanup_indexes_worker?  In that case, we need to do it in
this function when we are actually doing an index vacuum or cleanup.
After doing that the other usage of increment/decrement of
VacuumActiveNWorkers in other function heap_parallel_vacuum_main can
be removed.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

Attachment: v33-0002-Add-parallel-option-to-VACUUM-command.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: v33-0002-delta-amit.patch
Description: Binary data

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