
>> case  avg_tps   pct_diff
>> 0        89 278   --
>> 1        88 745   0,6%
>> 2        88 282   1,1%
>> 3        86 660   2,9%
>> This means that even in this extrem test case, the worst degradation is less
>> than 3%
>> (this overhead can be removed using pg_stat_statements.track_planning guc)

> Is the difference between 2 and 3 the extraneous pgss_store call to
> always store the query text if planner hook doesn't have access to the
> query text?

Yes it is,
but I agree it seems a big gap (1,8%) compared to the difference between 1 and 
2 (0,5%).
Maybe this is just mesure "noise" ...


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