>> - trailing whitespaces and comments wider than 80 characters >> not fixed
> why? In case it's not clear, I'm talking about the .c file, not the > regression tests. I work on a poor msys install on windows 7, where perl is broken ;o( So no pgindent available. Will fix that later, or as soon as I get a pgindent diff. >> - "Assert(planning_time > 0 && total_time > 0);" >> moved at the beginning of pgss_store > Have you tried to actually compile postgres and pg_stat_statements > with --enable-cassert? This test can *never* be true, since you > either provide the planning time or the execution time or neither. As > I said in my previous mail, adding a parameter to say which counter > you're updating, instead of adding another counter that's mutually > exclusive with the other would make everything clearer. Yes this "assert" is useless as is ... I'll remove it. I understand you proposal of pgss_store refactoring, but I don't have much time available now ... and I would like to check that performances are not broken before any other modification ... Regards PAscal -- Sent from: http://www.postgresql-archive.org/PostgreSQL-hackers-f1928748.html