Hi, I found the bug of default partition pruning when executing a range query.
----- postgres=# create table test1(id int, val text) partition by range (id); postgres=# create table test1_1 partition of test1 for values from (0) to (100); postgres=# create table test1_2 partition of test1 for values from (150) to (200); postgres=# create table test1_def partition of test1 default; postgres=# explain select * from test1 where id > 0 and id < 30; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------- Append (cost=0.00..11.83 rows=59 width=11) -> Seq Scan on test1_1 (cost=0.00..5.00 rows=58 width=11) Filter: ((id > 0) AND (id < 30)) -> Seq Scan on test1_def (cost=0.00..6.53 rows=1 width=12) Filter: ((id > 0) AND (id < 30)) (5 rows) There is no need to scan the default partition, but it's scanned. ----- In the current implement, whether the default partition is scanned or not is determined according to each condition of given WHERE clause at get_matching_range_bounds(). In this example, scan_default is set true according to id > 0 because id >= 200 matches the default partition. Similarly, according to id < 30, scan_default is set true. Then, these results are combined according to AND/OR at perform_pruning_combine_step(). In this case, final result's scan_default is set true. The modifications I made are as follows: - get_matching_range_bounds() determines only offsets of range bounds according to each condition - These results are combined at perform_pruning_combine_step() - Whether the default partition is scanned or not is determined at get_matching_partitions() Attached the patch. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Best regards, --- Yuzuko Hosoya NTT Open Source Software Center
Description: Binary data