On 2/17/19 11:19 AM, Andrew Gierth wrote:
>>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> writes:
>  >> b) new command-line option, e.g. pg_dump --extra-float-digits=0
>  >> This is probably the safest option, IMO. Any preferences as to the
>  >> option name?
>  Tom> I like that too, assuming that it can be made to fit into the
>  Tom> structure of the cross-version-upgrade tests (which would have
>  Tom> to know to use it only with >= v12 pg_dump).
>  Tom> --extra-float-digits seems fine as a name.
> As far as I can tell, test.sh only uses the new version's pg_dump (in
> fact the only binaries directly used from the old version are initdb and
> pg_ctl).
> ... wait, this initdb in test.sh is using an option that doesn't exist
> before pg11? Is the cross-version test actually using some different
> script? Andrew?

The buildfarm cross-version upgrade tests do not run test.sh. See

Essentially it takes the result of a previous buildfarm run on the
source branch, dumps it, upgrades it, and dumps again, then compares the
two dumps. It doesn't itself run the regression tests.



Andrew Dunstan                https://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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