
in src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dumpall.c, we have:

static const char *connstr = "";
            case 'd':
                connstr = pg_strdup(optarg);

i am not sure you can declare it as "const" for connstr.
since connstr value can be changed.
``#include "pg_backup.h"`` can be removed from src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dumpall.c
Other than that, v20_0001 looks good to me.

const char *formatName = "p";
formatName should not be declared as "const", since its value can be changed.

+ /* Create a subdirectory with 'databases' name under main directory. */
+ if (mkdir(db_subdir, 0755) != 0)
+ pg_fatal("could not create subdirectory \"%s\": %m", db_subdir);
can change to
        if (mkdir(db_subdir, pg_dir_create_mode) != 0)
            pg_fatal("could not create subdirectory \"%s\": %m", db_subdir);
then in src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dumpall.c need add ``#include "common/file_perm.h"``

+ else if (mkdir(dirname, 0700) < 0)
+ pg_fatal("could not create directory \"%s\": %m", dirname);
can change to
else if (mkdir(dirname, pg_dir_create_mode) != 0)
    pg_fatal("could not create directory \"%s\": %m", dirname);

+ if (!conn)
+ pg_log_info("considering PATTERN as NAME for --exclude-database
option as no db connection while doing pg_restore.");
"db connection" maybe "database connection" or "connection"

+ /*
+ * We need to reset on_exit_nicely_index with each database so that
we can restore
+ * multiple databases by archive.  See EXIT_NICELY macro for more details.
+ */
+ if (dboid_cell != NULL)
+ reset_exit_nicely_list(n_errors ? 1 : 0);
i don't fully understand this part, anyway, i think EXIT_NICELY, you mean

just found out, parseArchiveFormat looks familiar with parseDumpFormat.

for all the options in pg_restore.
--list option is not applicable to multiple databases, therefore
option --use-list=list-file also not applicable,
in the doc we should mention it.

global.dat comments should not mention "cluster", "global objects"
would be more appropriate.
global.dat comments should not mention "--\n-- Database \"%s\" dump\n--\n\n"
the attached minor patch fixes this issue.

Attachment: v20_refactor_restore_comments.nocfbot
Description: Binary data

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