On Fri, Feb 7, 2025 at 7:46 AM Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)
<kuroda.hay...@fujitsu.com> wrote:
> Dear Shubham,
> Thanks for updating the patch.
> Previously you told that you had a plan to extend the patch to drop other 
> replication
> objects [1], but I think it is not needed. pg_createsubscriber has already 
> been
> able to drop the existing subscrisubscriptions in 
> check_and_drop_existing_subscriptions().
> As for the replication slot, I have told in [2], it would be created 
> intentionally
> thus I feel it should not be dropped.
> Thus I regard the patch does not have concrete extending plan.
> Below part contains my review comment.
> 01. Option name
> Based on the above discussion, "--cleanup-publisher-objects" is not suitable 
> because
> it won't drop replication slots. How about "--cleanup-publications"?

I have changed the name of the option  to "--cleanup-existing-publications"

> 02. usage()
> ```
> +       printf(_("  -C  --cleanup-publisher-objects drop all publications on 
> the logical replica\n"));
> ```


> s/logical replica/subscriber
> 03. drop_all_publications
> ```
> +/* Drops all existing logical replication publications from all subscriber
> + * databases
> + */
> +static void
> ```
> Initial line of the comment must be blank [3].

Removed this function.

> 04. main
> ```
> +               {"cleanup-publisher-objects", no_argument, NULL, 'C'},
> ```
> Is there a reason why upper case is used? I feel lower one is enough.


> 05. main
> ```
> +       /* Drop publications from the subscriber if requested */
> +       if (opt.cleanup_publisher_objects)
> +               drop_all_publications(dbinfo);
> ```
> After considering more, I noticed that we have already called 
> drop_publication()
> in the setup_subscriber(). Can we call drop_all_publications() there instead 
> when
> -C is specified?

I agree with you on this. I have removed the drop_all_publication()
and added the "--cleanup-existing-publications" option to the

> 06. 040_pg_createsubscriber.pl
> ```
> +$node_s->start;
> +# Create publications to test it's removal
> +$node_p->safe_psql($db1, "CREATE PUBLICATION test_pub FOR ALL TABLES;");
> +$node_p->safe_psql($db1, "CREATE PUBLICATION test_pub2 FOR ALL TABLES;");
> +
> +# Verify the existing publications
> +my $pub_count_before =
> +  $node_s->safe_psql($db1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_publication;");
> +is($pub_count_before, '2',
> +       'two publications created before --cleanup-publisher-objects is run');
> +
> +$node_s->stop;
> ```
> I feel it requires unnecessary startup and shutdown. IIUC, creating 
> publications and check
> counts can be before stopping the node_s, around line 331.


> 07. 040_pg_createsubscriber.pl
> ```
> +$node_p->safe_psql($db1, "CREATE PUBLICATION test_pub FOR ALL TABLES;");
> +$node_p->safe_psql($db1, "CREATE PUBLICATION test_pub2 FOR ALL TABLES;");
> +
> +# Verify the existing publications
> +my $pub_count_before =
> +  $node_s->safe_psql($db1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_publication;");
> +is($pub_count_before, '2',
> +       'two publications created before --cleanup-publisher-objects is run');
> +
> ```
> Also, there is a possibility that CREATE PUBLICATION on node_p is not 
> replicated yet
> when SELECT COUNT(*) is executed. Please wait for the replay.
> [1]: 
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAHv8RjL4OvoYafofTb_U_JD5HuyoNowBoGpMfnEbhDSENA74Kg%40mail.gmail.com
> [2]: 
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/OSCPR01MB1496664FDC38DA40A441F449FF5EE2%40OSCPR01MB14966.jpnprd01.prod.outlook.com
> [3]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/source-format.html


The attached Patch contains the suggested changes.

Thanks and regards,
Shubham Khanna.

Attachment: v4-0001-Support-for-dropping-all-publications-in-pg_creat.patch
Description: Binary data

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