This attached patch solves problems mentioned in [1].
so pg_restore --file restoring multiple databases will have the
```\connect dbname``` command in it.
the output plain text file can be used in psql.

pg_restore --file output will be:

-- Database "template1" dump

-- Dumped from database version 18devel_debug_build_622f678c10
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 18devel_debug_build_622f678c10

-- Started on 2025-02-04 14:34:44 CST

\connect template1


-- Completed on 2025-02-04 14:34:53 CST

-- Database "template1" dump complete


Attachment: v15-0001-make-pg_restore-file-option-using-connect-for.no-cfbot
Description: Binary data

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