On Mon, 3 Feb 2025 at 14:23, Srinath Reddy <srinath2...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hi, > I found a bug ,while using "./pg_restore pdd -f -" actually it has to copy > everything(global sql commands + remaining dump ) into stdout as per the "-f, > --file=FILENAME output file name (- for stdout)" but it is copying > global sql commands to a file literally naming it as "-" and remaining dump > is written to stdout without those global sql commands."-" is not a output > file it signifies stdout in terminal cmds.so we have to handle this case. > because of above reason "./pg_restore pdd -g -f -" also does the same > creates a file "-" and writes globals to that file instead of stdout.
I also tested this but in my testing, I can see that all globals are printed into the console also. Patch was creating a "-" file that was wrong. Yes, we should consider "-" as a stdout. In the latest patch, I have fixed this issue. On Mon, 3 Feb 2025 at 14:44, jian he <jian.universal...@gmail.com> wrote: > > hi. > > git clean -fdx && $BIN10/pg_dumpall --format=directory --file=dir10 > $BIN10/pg_restore --format=directory --file=1.sql --verbose dir10 > > dir_format 2>&1 > > there is no "\connect dbname" command. > pipe 1.sql to psql will execute all the database dump into a single > database, which is not good. > we need "\connect dbname" in file 1.sql We can't add this command directly to the dump file. We need to add some TOC entry for this command. I will try to make a TOC entry for this command. > > > --------<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>------------------ > $BIN10/pg_dumpall --format=directory --exclude-database=src10 > --file=dir12_temp > drop table t from database x > $BIN10/pg_restore --format=directory --dbname=x --verbose dir12_temp > > dir_format 2>&1 > --------log info------------------ > pg_restore: found database "template1" (OID: 1) in map.dat file while > restoring. > pg_restore: found database "x" (OID: 19554) in map.dat file while restoring. > pg_restore: found total 2 database names in map.dat file > pg_restore: needs to restore 2 databases out of 2 databases > pg_restore: restoring dump of pg_dumpall without -C option, there > might be multiple databases in directory. > pg_restore: restoring database "template1" > pg_restore: connecting to database for restore > pg_restore: implied data-only restore > pg_restore: restoring database "x" > pg_restore: connecting to database for restore > pg_restore: processing data for table "public.t" > pg_restore: while PROCESSING TOC: > pg_restore: from TOC entry 3374; 0 19555 TABLE DATA t jian > pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: relation > "public.t" does not exist > Command was: COPY public.t (a) FROM stdin; > pg_restore: warning: errors ignored on restore: 1 > pg_restore: number of restored databases are 2 > ________________________ > $BIN10/pg_restore --format=directory --list dir12_temp > selected output: > > ; Selected TOC Entries: > ; > 217; 1259 19555 TABLE public t jian > 3374; 0 19555 TABLE DATA public t jian > 3228; 2606 19560 CONSTRAINT public t t_pkey jian > > As you can see, dir12_temp has TABLE and TABLE DATA. > so the above log message: "pg_restore: implied data-only restore" is > not what we expected. I will do some tests with pg_dump and -t option. > > BTW, add --create option, it works as i expected. > like > $BIN10/pg_restore --format=directory --create --dbname=x --verbose > dir12_temp > dir_format 2>&1 > output is what i expected. > > --------<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>------------------ > with the changes in filter_dbnames_for_restore. > so <option>--exclude-database=<replaceable > class="parameter">pattern</replaceable></option> > will behave differently when you specify the --file option or not. > > * --file option specified > -exclude-database=pattern not allow any special wildcard character. > it does not behave the same as the doc mentioned. > * --file option not specified, it behaves the same as the doc mentioned. > > That's kind of tricky, either more words in the doc explain the > scarenio where --file option is specified > or disallow --file option when --exclude-database is specified. We will do some more doc changes for this in next versions. > > we need to update pg_restore.sgml about MAX_ON_EXIT_NICELY 100? Temporary, we increased this size. Based on other opinions, we will do more changes for this. > > there is some corner like num_db_restore == 0, num_db_restore >= 100 > in that scarenio, the execute_global_sql_commands already executed, > which is not ideal, since you have pg_fatal and some sql commands > already executed. > maybe we can be if 0 < num_db_restore < 100 then > call execute_global_sql_commands and restoreAllDatabases. Got it. Fixed it as per delta patch and added some extra condition to the IF clause. Here, I am attaching an updated patch for review and testing. -- Thanks and Regards Mahendra Singh Thalor EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
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