jian he <jian.universal...@gmail.com> writes:
> in src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dumpall.c
>     appendPQExpBuffer(buf, " FROM pg_auth_members a "
>                       "LEFT JOIN %s ur on ur.oid = a.roleid "
>                       "LEFT JOIN %s um on um.oid = a.member "
>                       "LEFT JOIN %s ug on ug.oid = a.grantor "
>                       "WHERE NOT (ur.rolname ~ '^pg_' AND um.rolname ~ 
> '^pg_')"
>                       "ORDER BY 1,2,4", role_catalog, role_catalog,
> role_catalog);

> here "WHERE NOT (ur.rolname ~ '^pg_' AND um.rolname ~ '^pg_')"
> need a white space at the end?

The right paren is its own token in any case, so we don't need
a space for correctness.  You could argue that it'd improve
readability, but who reads pg_dumpall's queries?

                        regards, tom lane

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