Thanks for the improvements Nathan. The current iteration LGTM, just a
single comment on `pg_abs_s64`

> +static inline uint64
> +pg_abs_s64(int64 a)
> +{
> +     if (unlikely(a == PG_INT64_MIN))
> +         return (uint64) PG_INT64_MAX + 1;
> +     if (a < 0)
> +         return -a;
> +     return a;
> +}

Since we know that a does not equal PG_INT64_MIN, could we shorten the
last three lines and do the following?

    static inline uint64
    pg_abs_s64(int64 a)
        if (unlikely(a == PG_INT64_MIN))
          return (uint64) PG_INT64_MAX + 1;
        return i64_abs(a);

Joseph Koshakow

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