Hi, here are some review comments for the docs patch v5-0001.

Apart from these it LGTM.


+    <para>
+     On the subscriber node, use the following SQL to identify which slots
+     should be synced to the standby that we plan to promote. This query will
+     return the relevant replication slots, including the main slots and table
+     synchronization slots associated with the failover enabled subscriptions.

/failover enabled/failover-enabled/


+  <para>
+   If all the slots are present on the standby server and result
+   (<literal>failover_ready</literal>) of is true, then existing subscriptions
+   can continue subscribing to publications now on the new primary server
+   without any loss of data.
+  </para>

Hmm. It looks like there is some typo or missing words here: "of is true".

Did you mean something like: "of the above SQL query is true"?

Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Australia

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