
On 2024-04-08 11:17:51 +0400, Pavel Borisov wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Apr 2024 at 03:25, Alexander Korotkov <aekorot...@gmail.com>
> > I was under the impression there are not so many out-of-core table
> > AMs, which have non-dummy analysis implementations.  And even if there
> > are some, duplicating acquire_sample_rows() isn't a big deal.
> >
> > But given your feedback, I'd like to propose to keep both options
> > open.  Turn back the block-level API for analyze, but let table-AM
> > implement its own analyze function.  Then existing out-of-core AMs
> > wouldn't need to do anything (or probably just set the new API method
> > to NULL).
> >
> I think that providing both new and old interface functions for block-based
> and non-block based custom am is an excellent compromise.

I don't agree, that way lies an unmanageable API. To me the new API doesn't
look well polished either, so it's not a question of a smoother transition or
something like that.

I don't think redesigning extension APIs at this stage of the release cycle
makes sense.


Andres Freund

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